Well, after 4 days without internet--we are back on line. And now I know how to fix the problem. Flip the switch and reset the router that is located in our neighbors carport. I wish I would have known that 4 days ago. =) But at least we are back on line for the time being. We lost the internet because of some serious rain. Yes, the true Shell weather has arrived--just in time for us to host our first visitor. More on that in a future blog.

The kids and Mike enjoyed swinging on the vines and contemplating some cliff jumps into the river. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the river is very shallow in most places so there wasn't much opportunity. It was a fun day and after almost 2 months of getting settled and spending the majority of our time in Shell--it was a great to get out and see just a bit more of this beautiful country and enjoy time with our new missionary friends and colleagues.

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