Sunday, July 5, 2009

Volcán Irazu

Sam and Mike at the main crater
The lake at the bottom of the main crater

Sydney and I --happy that we have some jackets to block the wind

After just one week, we were already feeling the need to get out of the city for awhile. So on Saturday we headed east out of San José to Volcán Irazu. It is the highest mountain in Costa Rica and thankfully, it is currently dormant. Luckily we read the guide book before we went which told us to go early before the clouds moved in, and to bring warm clothes. Because it was freezing! And just after we took these pictures the clouds moved in and we could barely see more than 10 meters ahead of us. Since we couldn't see anything after that, we headed back home and were home for lunch. It was a nice opportunity to begin to see more of this beautiful country.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing to have a car and to be able to travel . We enjoyed SJ a lot take the bus and go to Parque National. You won't think your in a city, also the zoo is worth the trip.
    Riding the Periferica shows you the whole city, and takes about 2 hours nice way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon.
