Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vamos a Bailar

Vamos a Bailar or Let's Dance! The girls

I love this picture of Sydney. She looks like a princess.

Well, we did it! Sydney, Sam and I danced in a cultural presentation--twice! The first time for the school, and last night for the surrounding neighborhood and friends. All of it to celebrate a Tico holiday--the annexation of Guanacaste. This is when Costa Rica annexed all of the north-west part of the country from Nicaragua. For us it meant the chance to dress in twirly skirts and perform. What fun!

One of our teachers coordinated and choreographed all of the dances--and we had been practing for about 2 months in preparation for the big day. It was all beautiful and I was so proud of my kids--they did a great job.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Yes, we are still in school but there isn't much to blog about when it comes to our day-to-day schedule of classes and homework. And definitely nothing picture-worthy. And I know that's what people really want to see--pictures. So must of what we have to write about is family events and happenings. We hope to have more stories about ministry when we get to Shell.
Well, Sam's 7th birthday is on Friday and he decided he wanted to go rollerskating for his birthday. So we did just that--and for all of our peers, you can imagine stepping back into the early 80's with vintage rollerskates, Michael Jackson music, strobe lights and tight flourescent jeans (yes, apparently they are back in style). We had a lot of fun and luckily had no major injuries. It was a memorable outing--one that I'm pretty sure that we won't have in Shell. =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

rainy season

Well, you think we'd be use to the big rainstorms after a few years in Malawi and 2 rainy seasons in Costa Rica. But it still amazes us how much water can fall out of the sky in such a short time. We are very thankful for big umbrellas and a warm & dry house to escape from the rain. But sometimes you just have to go outside and get wet! That's what we did this weekend. We'll let you know if we all come down with colds this week, because in Costa Rica: wet feet=get sick.