Sunday, August 22, 2010

Despedidas y Saludas (Goodbyes and Hellos)

After a week of goodbyes in Costa Rica--with lots of tears once again on my part--we embarked on the next step of our adventure. Ecuador! We were welcomed by many HCJB missionaries in Quito who helped us do all of the shopping for outfitting our house in Shell--driving us around, feeding us, and helping us out with the kids. We are very grateful.Sydney and Sam with Iveth--their wonderful Sunday school teacher
saying goodbye to my wonderful translation class
more goodbyes with Lucia, our empleada

Then we took an interesting 5-hour bus trip down to Shell with all of our stuff and started moving into our house. I'll save those pics for the next blog! Thanks for your prayers--our move has been relatively uneventful and we are thankfully all healthy.


  1. Hi Heather and Mike,
    Just wanted to let you know that I've loved reading updates on your life in Africa, Costa Rica--and now Ecuador. Blessings and prayers as you settle into Shell--looking forward to hearing more stories and seeing more pictures!

  2. We are praying for a smooth transition, you guys. Saying goodbye is never easy, no matter how many times you have had to do it. Keep us posted! We miss you!

  3. Hi Mike, Heather and children,
    Just wanted to say Hi and that we are thinking of you, miss you and are praying for you. Thanks for the updates. Can't wait to see pictures from Shell and would love to hear your voices sometime soon. Are you going to be able to Skype in the near future? If so, let us know. Blessings from John
